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Meet Jennifer Schwab: Visionary CEO

Jennifer Schwab isn’t your typical chief executive officer. While she leads ENTITY Academy, a company dedicated to closing the skills, confidence, and wage gaps affecting women and diverse talent through critical thinking, professional effectiveness, and business acumen training, Jennifer’s journey to this role is as varied as her expertise. With a background deeply rooted in sustainability education, Jennifer’s career trajectory has been shaped by her commitment to driving positive change.

Let’s delve into her remarkable journey leading up to her role at ENTITY Academy.

Pioneering Sustainability Education

Jennifer’s journey into the world of sustainability education is closely tied to her education and passion for taking care of the environment. With a foundation laid in her studies, Jennifer’s path into sustainability work was a natural step. She first explored environmental design and sustainability at the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, where she learned about sustainable practices and how they connect with design principles. After Art Center, Jennifer pursued a master’s in urban planning and sustainable design at the University of California, Irvine.

After receiving her urban planning and sustainable design master’s, Jennifer became a key part of Sierra Club Green Home. There, she led efforts to create a platform focused on teaching sustainable living practices to a wide audience. Her creative ideas and strong leadership not only brought Sierra Club Green Home to the forefront of the sustainability movement but also earned her praise for making a positive impact.

Impactful Media Presence

Jennifer’s influence extends beyond her role at ENTITY Academy.

Her media reel showcases her expertise and passion for sustainability education. She often spoke at environmental conferences and forums. Jennifer was widely quoted in publications such as The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Dwell, Fortune, Forbes, CNN Money, CNBC, and Consumer Reports. She also appeared on TV outlets including  NBC, CBS, and Fox News, discussing sustainability.

Her extensive media presence reflects her commitment to making a positive difference in the world.

Jennifer’s Leadership at ENTITY Academy

Now, as the founder and CEO of ENTITY Academy, Jennifer continues to push the boundaries of education and professional development. ENTITY isn’t just another online learning platform — it’s a catalyst for change. ENTITY Academy empowers individuals to thrive in today’s fast-changing world with its thoughtfully curated courses, mentorship, and resources designed to inspire and motivate.

Jennifer’s vision and leadership are driving positive change, reshaping the upskilling landscape, and closing the opportunity gap for women and diverse talent.


  • Stephanie Bedolla

    Stephanie is a recent graduate of CSU Northridge with a BA in Journalism. She is a former retail and non-profit reporter for the San Fernando Valley Business Journal, but her true passion lies in writing about fashion, beauty and entertainment. She would ultimately love to work as an anchor for E! entertainment.

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