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Entity shares the time Amy Schumer was too real on Inside Amy Schumer.

“Inside Amy Schumer” is one of the most hysterical shows on television today. The entertaining show’s secret comedic sauce is it’s ability to just go there. Female actress and comedian Amy Schumer stars in the series with wit, grit and elegance.

Here are five times Amy was way too real about the issues women face in today’s culture.

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In this sketch, Amy Schumer got real about the experience of shopping and sizing. Specifically, the absurdity you have to endure while shopping as someone who’s not a perfect size six. There’s even a Lena Dunham cameo!


Hollywood is notorious for having an double standard when it comes to the age of a man or woman. There is a window of time when actresses transition from sex symbols to the mother figure. In this sketch, Amy encounters show business legends such as Tina Fey, Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Patricia Arquette, who are all celebrating Julia’s last f**kable day. The phenomenon is explained like this: “In every actresses life, the media decides when you finally reach the point when you’re not believably f**kable.” According to the sketch, this concept does not apply to men.


Now we all love and miss One Direction, but the lyrics of “You Don’t Know You’re Beautiful,” their first breakout hit, are ridiculous. Schumer’s sketch “Girl, you don’t need makeup” plays on this, satirizing the way in which people are encouraged to mass consume beauty products and to always look “perfect” but are ridiculed when they choose not to wear makeup. It’s way too real about the ridiculous beauty ideals about makeup that dudes seem to have.


There are always those issues of tabloids that are “I lost X amount of weight in Y weeks”. The amount is almost always drastic. Normal people, unfortunately, just don’t work like that. You can’t lose 45 pounds in three weeks in a healthy manner. Amy pokes fun at this weird diet culture with the store New Body. New Body is where you shop for that new body you’re going to have after you finish that delusional diet or that new body you’re going to have because you thought about a gym membership. The store is also perfect for eating cheat day muffins.


Sex is great. Sex prep, on the other hand, is a pain. You’re expected to be perfectly hairless and smooth like some kind of Barbie doll. Your body is supposed to be the sexy human equivalent of a seal. Amy is way too real about the extensive preparation and stress that can go into just trying to get laid.


  • Frida Gurewitz

    Frida got her start in journalism with comic book reviewing for Ain’t It Cool News in 2014 while studying English at Occidental College.  She has worked with websites such as Nerd Caliber and Legion of Leia in the past.  Though she has branched out into less “geeky” ventures, she still enjoys a good piece of Wonder Woman Memorabilia.

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