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Entity shares how women with big dreams but no plan can take action.

So you’re creative, eager and ready. You’re a woman with dreams and plans of success. But while you know that you’re meant to do something great, you don’t know where to start. Angela Lee Duckworth argues in her Ted Talk “Grit: The power of passion and perseverance,” that it’s not talent, wits, looks or IQ that will get you through life. Instead, it’s your grit. Grit is the commitment to your passions that keeps you from giving up.

There’s currently no scientific way to develop grit, but we already know that once you follow through the first time, it’s easier to follow through again. Here are eight ways to take action and make your dreams concrete.

1 Prioritize your goals.

If you have big dreams, you likely have a lot of them. It’s not always possible to go after two big – and often contradictory – dreams at once. So prioritize. What do you want more? Do you want to become a doctor or a lawyer, travel the world or settle down?  Figure out what’s best for you right now and what you really want to accomplish in the short term.

READ MORE: Why Bringing Your ‘B Game’ to Work Could be the Best Career Move You Ever Make

2 Write everything down.

In order to prioritize and figure out where to start, write your goals down then write out the steps you need to get there. Angela Trinidad, creator of the Passion Planner, developed the “passion road map,” a web that maps out your lifetime, three year, one year and three-month goals. Try using a similar approach or method. Taking the time to write everything out will enable you to focus and establish your goals.

3 Determine short-term and long-term goals.

You can’t become a doctor right away. First, you have to graduate college, ace your MCAT and apply to med school. Determine what your top goals are in the present. If you’re in medical school, picture your end goal – working with patients in a hospital – but focus on your short-term goals – acing the coming exam, writing that paper, passing a class.

4 Research.

Research whatever it is you dream of doing, whether it’s traveling, becoming a better cook or getting that promotion. Research the different options that are out there and how other people achieved those same goals. Talk to people who have taken the same path. Make sure that you are informed about your journey and the steps you will have to take to succeed.

5 Say “yes” to new opportunities.

Saying “yes” includes networking, volunteering or traveling. CEO and co-founder of ClearSky, Ellen Rubin, explains in an interview with Inc magazine that stepping out of your comfort zone is how you become successful. An important part of achieving your goals is going out and doing things. The more you allow yourself to experience, the better suited you’ll be to take on your goals.

READ MORE: Lacking Motivation? Here’s How You Can Still Succeed

6 Try to be well-rounded.

You may know what your professional goals are, but they won’t mean anything if you’re not happy and healthy. One 75-year study conducted by a Harvard researcher discovered that the secret to long-term happiness was love. The study – which focused on men – found that money and power didn’t make as much of a difference as fulfilling social relationships.

Still, you can’t care about another person or be in any sort of healthy relationship unless you’re in a healthy place yourself. Make self-care a priority and remember that your goals should contribute to your happiness. Strive toward reaching your goals but remember that they should be flexible.

7 Be confident!

Achieving your dreams takes a lot of hard work and it’s easy to get discouraged. Women, in general, tend to be less confident than men and this holds them back, according to The Atlantic.  So if you’re a woman struggling to make her dreams a reality, remember that it’s important to believe in yourself, your abilities and your decisions. The more you believe you can succeed, the more willing you’ll be to take on new opportunities.

READ MORE: 5 Ways You Can Fake it ‘Til You Make It

You’ve got big dreams, but it’s time to stop dreaming and make them a reality. Most importantly, remember that dreams are allowed to change.  You won’t know what is or isn’t right for you until you try it. And it’s important to do what’s best for you in the present. If you have grit and a determination to succeed, you’ll soon find yourself doing exactly that.

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