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Entity talks donna suitsPhoto by suits.estilo via Instagram

Donna Paulsen from “Suits” saves the day Every. Single. Day.

She’s literally the best executive assistant and friend ever. But, being Harvey’s assistant often means her success doesn’t get the respect and attention it deserves. Sometimes her role as an assistant makes people underestimate her, and other times it’s her relationship with Harvey that makes the audience overlook her awesomeness.

In the episodes following the Harvey and Donna kiss, people spent more time focusing on how Donna “betrayed” Harvey by leaving him rather than congratulating her on finally doing something for her own emotional health.

We get it. Donna and Harvey are very compelling and OTP worthy, but can Donna get a spotlight once and a while?

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Thank goodness for season six, though, because we finally got a glimpse of her business skills.

USA showed a different facet of her personality beyond her confidence, assistant skills and empathy. Her adventure with Benjamin shows that Donna is also smart, witty and a fast-paced sweet talker. She might have moved to Hartford, CT when her father went bankrupt, but she was born and mostly raised in New York. You can take the girl out of New York, but you can’t take New York out of the girl.

And while we’re still waiting to learn more about her, here are the top five times Donna showed everyone that’s she’s actually the boss.

1 When Donna Talked Her Way into Becoming Harvey’s Assistant

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Donna does a lot of fast-paced banter with Harvey on a regular basis. However, their first encounter at the bar after his first big-time case has to be the best. This is probably because it was her first time meeting him so she had to flex her skills. Donna immediately demonstrates her clairvoyant abilities and her wit to show Harvey that he just met his match.

It wouldn’t surprise me if Donna already knew why Harvey wanted to take the big case to court (because it would be in the newspaper) before she even asked him. At that time, she already knew he had a big ego and just how to stroke it.

Donna probably knows everything because she’s a great listener. Some might call it eavesdropping, but Donna calls it research. She’s great at branding, too.

2 When She Called Daniel Hardman a “Piece of Shit” Right Before She Slapped that Same Noun Right Out of Him

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Many people were afraid of Daniel Hardman and for good reason. It took Jessica, Harvey and Louis combining their power just to push him out of the door of a firm he hadn’t been part of for a very long time. However, men like that don’t faze Donna – they just make her mad. Especially when you come for the people she loves and the firm she respects.

I’m sure her slapping abilities stem from her claim that she does not need words to communicate. We guess she just needs her eyes and her hands. Her words are probably just for dramatic effect.

3 When She Fulfilled Her Dream of Acting in a Play

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This Donna moment represented one of the very few times Donna actually did something for herself. She told Harvey when she met him that she wanted to become an actress. But this was the first time she had ever gotten a role and followed through with acting in it.

It just so happened that it was a Shakespearean play called, “Merchant of Venice,” that Louis knew by heart. So this moment was amazing not only because Donna got to be Donna, the actress, but also because she got to do what she does best: help someone overcome their fears. In this case, it was Louis getting over his stage fright.

Fun fact: Donna’s acting skills give her the ability to fake tears so well that she can summon the Demi Moore single tear from either her left or right eye.

4 When Donna Found the Missing Button

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This has to be one of the funniest moments on “Suits.” We actually saw Donna become stumped as “The Donna.” She made plenty of wrong turns and spoke broken Finnish, but in the end, she finally found an isolated area in Africa that sold the button Harvey needed.

This scene might be a Donna receptionist moment, but it highlights her access various resources and her ability to speak a different language… broken or otherwise.

5 When Donna Got Rachel Her Dream Wedding Appointment at the Plaza Hotel on her Birthday

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This was huge because Donna impersonated someone without getting caught. No shade. Donna really pulled off the whole bitchy, French, wedding planner vibe to scare the other bride into dropping the Plaza.

It made the next moment all the more satisfying when the groom pressed her and tried to get her to change the fake details she created. We got to see Donna come in the clutch a second time, by using her last resort: blackmail. Surprise, surprise – it worked!

And for Donna’s final act, we leave you with some of Donna’s best quotes:

  • “A woman who wants nothing? I distrust that.”
  • “I’m not apologizing for who I am.”
  • “I don’t appreciate limitations being placed on my beauty.”
  • “Took a while to feng shui all the evil out.”
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  • Candice Horde

    Candice is an honors graduate of Texas Tech University with an English double major in Creative Writing and Technical Communication: Chemistry. She loves Japanese and Chinese action movies, anime and basketball. As a TV fanatic, she is always bingeing a new show or rewatching all 7 seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

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