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ENTITY reports on not being good enough

Whether it’s at work, in your relationship or with your family, the feeling of inadequacy is crippling. Once you feel like you’re not good enough, it’s hard to convince yourself that you are.

Every single mistake you make and every rejection just feels like proof that you will never be enough. But this feeling is all in your head. It’s not real. So, when these thoughts come crawling back, here are some things to remember.

1 You are human.

ENTITY reports on not being good enough

You will never feel perfect because you are not meant to. As humans, we act irrationally and we make mistakes. And that’s okay. Let yourself mess up, and always forgive yourself. You’re not always going to know the right thing to do. You don’t have all the answers. Just try your best because being tough on yourself isn’t going to get you anywhere.

2 You are always enough.

If someone doesn’t want to accept your flaws, then that is a reflection of their weakness, not yours. Don’t let their fears hold you back. You will find people who will accept you. It’s okay to walk away from toxic relationships and friendships that don’t make you feel like the flawless queen you are.

3 You don’t need validation from others.

ENTITY reports on not being good enough

Nothing holds you back more than expecting others to validate your worth. Someone else’s opinion of you shouldn’t impact your own view of yourself. Learn to love yourself. Learn to accept yourself. You don’t need anyone else to feel enough. You don’t need anyone in your life who can’t see your value. The only person who can define whether you’re enough or not is you. And you are definitely enough.

4 Never settle for less.

Once you settle, you start to believe that you actually deserve less. When you don’t feel enough, it’s hard to realize that you deserve more. But once you start treating yourself better, you will find your true worth. So, always reach higher, dream bigger and work harder.

5 There is no such thing as being enough.

ENTITY reports on not being enough

There is no minimum or maximum limit on your personality or existence. You are your own person, and if anyone tells you that you’re not enough for them, then they don’t understand your true potential. They don’t really realize all that you’re capable of. You have walked through fire and didn’t burn. Not everyone will see that.

Being a strong woman is a constant struggle between wanting to be brave but not being able to find the strength to not let someone else’s opinion impact your mood. We all go through those phases, but a strong woman knows how to keep fighting through. It’s okay to constantly go back to a place where you doubt yourself, but never stop trying to get out of that mindset. Remember all that you’re capable.

Feed your brain love and acceptance, and you’ll get all of those terrible thoughts.

Don't beat yourself up over every mistake.
Your true strength will always surprise people.
Allow your pain to motivate you to work harder.
You are not a victim. You can always save yourself.
Don't let anything hold you down.
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