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Image Unsplash / Nils Nedel

The weather is nice and it’s time to plan that trip! 

Fortunately for anybody obsessed with travel content you’ve probably seen a lot of videos on TikTok showing a new surge in solo travel for women. I know my feed is full of this kind of content. However, it’s impossible to mention solo travel for women and not discuss safety. You may be asking yourself – is it safe to travel alone as a woman? The answer is yes, if done right.

Safety is always on the mind of every woman  

A survey done by Solo Female Travelers in 2021 indicated that the fear of traveling alone, “Remains alarmingly high at 52% for those who have traveled solo more than 10 times.”

If you’re anything like me, you might’ve been discouraged at the thought of traveling if you had to do it alone. The idea of solo travel as a woman and going to a foreign country alone can be a bit scary and overwhelming. 

That is why it is necessary for ladies to get the best tips for solo travel as a woman before purchasing that plane ticket. A good guide is key. Don’t miss out on an amazing opportunity to appreciate the world when the right precautions can be taken to guarantee you come back in one piece. 

Life is short and we have to make the most of our time. There is also no shame in doing things alone! Use these tips to give you the courage to book that solo trip. 

1. Do Research on Your Destination

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This is the first tip every woman should follow. When asking yourself if it is safe to participate in solo travel as a woman the answer is yes…but not everywhere. 

Some countries are not the safest for women and are known to be very dangerous. They have different rules and laws for women that you may not be familiar with. Research the cultural expectations for women in your desired country and keep in mind some may be stricter than others, such as Saudi Arabia. According to USA Today, women entering the country need to be met by a sponsor, male relative, or husband to even be allowed in. Once in the country, you need to be dressed very conservatively. Women who are seen in public without a sponsor, male relative, or husband are subject to arrest.

That is why before going anywhere, do your research! A good site to check when trying to find a destination is This site was specifically made to help secure the safety of U.S. Citizens. It has information on the documents you need, safety, laws, health information, and plenty of tips for everything you would need to know about traveling to another country.

According to The Wandering RV, some of the safest places for solo travel as a woman are Japan, New Zealand, Switzerland, and Chile.

2. Keep a Card With Info on Your Stay

Image via Unsplash / Kelly Sikkema

It’s easy to get lost in a place that’s new to you. I’ve done it countless times. However, getting lost in a country where you may not speak the same language can be even more difficult and cause concern for your safety. 

You should make it a habit to have a card with you at all times that has the name of your accommodation, its location, and the contact info. This way you don’t have to rely on the trust of strangers and can call your accommodation for any advice on how to get back or get where you’re going.

It’s important to have this information if you were unable to use your phone in a scenario where it died, you lost it, or just didn’t have access to wifi. This way you won’t have to rely on technology and are prepared for the worst-case scenario. 

3. Take a Tour When You First Move Somewhere

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To prevent the probability of getting lost once you get to where you’re staying, take a walk around the area. 

This will help you familiarize yourself with the area so you feel more secure and confident that you know how to get back to your accommodation. 

Use apps like and Google Maps to help you navigate.

4. Confidence is Key

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Confidence is something I struggle with and know many others do, especially if you deal with anxiety. However, when it comes to solo travel as a woman, confidence is key!

Thieves and other dangerous people are more likely to target tourists who look lost, scared, and confused.

I know it’s easy to get wrapped up in our fears but it’s important in these scenarios to show you’re the boss and you know what you’re doing. Make it look as if you live there or go there all the time. 

Channel those acting abilities.

5. Don’t Walk With Headphones

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Listening to music while walking or traveling is a usual necessity for me. I don’t go anywhere without my AirPods. It just makes your journey that much better. 

Unfortunately, when it comes to our safety while exploring a new country, this is not a luxury we should participate in. 

You need to be aware of your surroundings so you’re not caught off guard if any threats to your safety come your way. Travel State Gov states, “Safety really begins with awareness – awareness of your surroundings, but also awareness of yourself and your behavior in a public place.” 

This is just not the time to get lost in our favorite song.

6. Take an Uber if Available

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Uber overall is a trusted service where you can track your location, the driver, and other information. You can also share your ride details easily with someone you’re close to for safety purposes. 

It’s pretty common for people to pose as taxi drivers or have fake taxi companies. It’s best to avoid that at all costs. 

7. Keep Valuables Hidden

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Don’t be like me and walk with your phone in your hand everywhere. 

When in another country you want to keep your valuables hidden as much as possible. Only take things out when you really need them. You don’t want to show the wrong person just how much you have. 

8. Keep a Photo of Your Passport on Your Phone

Image via Unsplash / Nicole Geri

It’s always good to have multiple ways to access your most important information and documents.

There are various scenarios where this could be beneficial such as losing your passport or someone stealing it. Now at least you can show officials some form of identification which is arguably the most important information to have when in another country. 

9. Get a Portable Door Lock

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No matter where you’re staying, there is always the risk of someone trying to break in, especially if they see a woman staying somewhere alone. 

Door locks at hostels or Airbnbs are not always the most secure and can be picked or opened through various means. That’s why you should invest in a portable door lock for double the security. Get yours here

This will prevent any unwanted visitors from coming in. 

10. Ask Locals for Places to Avoid

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Locals are the experts here! Take advantage of that. 

If you find someone who looks trustworthy and you can communicate with them, ask what places to avoid. To prevent any danger coming your way, it’s best to avoid areas that are known to not be safe, especially for women. 

11. Don’t Tell People Where You’re Staying

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Be careful who you give information to – not everyone can be trusted.

To avoid anybody trying to plot against or target you, keep the details of your stay to yourself. This will help decrease the possibility of anyone trying to harm you where you’re staying.

Always be cautious of how much information you give strangers. 

12. Keep Your Cash and Cards Separate

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Don’t keep everything in the same place.

If something were to happen and you lose your wallet or someone takes it from you, you would now have nothing. Not all of us are Jeff Bezos and can get around with no money on hand.

Avoid being put in this situation at all costs by placing your cash and card in separate places to help ensure you have some form of money. Money is a necessity if you want to go anywhere or do anything. 

13. Try to Arrive During the Day

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Traveling at night is always more dangerous, especially if you’re a solo female traveler. It should be avoided at all costs. 

Plan to travel so that you arrive at your destination during the day when it’s much safer. There will be more people around to assist or help you if anything was to ever go wrong or if you needed help with how to get to your next stop. 

14. Pretend to Be With Others

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Although we love and encourage women to be independent when in another country, it’s good to pretend you’re with other people. Yup, you heard that right. Give yourself that make-believe boyfriend. 

It’s important whether it be a group of friends or a boyfriend that you give off the impression you’re not alone. 

Fake it till you make it! 

People are less likely to target you if they know you’re not alone. 

15. Limit Drinking

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I know everyone loves a drink or two or three. However, to be safe, avoid drinking. 

At the end of the day, drinking does impair our judgment. I know those may be words you don’t want to hear, but it’s the truth. 

Traveling alone in an unfamiliar country is when you need your judgment to be functioning at its best. You don’t want to give anyone the idea that they can take advantage of you, or give them the opportunity to do so, because you’re not thinking clearly at the moment.

Don’t Be Afraid to Take the Risk!

Life will always be full of risks. However, seeing the beauty of our world is a risk I believe is worth it. It’ll leave you with once-in-a-lifetime memories and experiences.

Solo travel as a woman can be scary but with the right precautions as mentioned above, it can be made safer. While there is still the risk of danger, the best we can do is limit the chances of any trouble coming our way. I believe these tips will help do just that.

We shouldn’t let our fear of traveling solo stop us. I’ve seen women find a lot of power, confidence, and independence when they take a journey alone.

It’s an empowering experience. Don’t miss out on it.

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