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ENTITY shares celebrity baby namesPhoto via Instagram / @gwynethpaltrow

While their names may not be “Moxie Crimefighter” or “Pilot Inspektor” like other unfortunate celebrity children, these kids didn’t get off easy either.

When it comes to celebrity baby names, musicians and actors have come up with the wacky, the original and the downright strange. But some celebrities are a little less creative. These celebrity baby names seem to draw inspiration from everyday objects. And for most of these, we just don’t get it.

Nevertheless, ENTITY compiled a list of seven celebrity baby names using common English words. Because, you know, cute celebrity baby names are just not an option in Hollywood. Everyone’s kid has to stand out.

7 “Ocean” Forest Whitaker

ENTITY shares celebrity baby names

At least Ocean isn’t the only one in the family with an odd name. His dad’s name, Forest, is also a word you would be more likely to hear on a camping trip. And his three siblings are Sonnet, Autumn and True.

So why did Whitaker give his children such strange names?

“I want them to kind of touch their destiny by their names,” Whitaker said to People.

Ocean, you sure have a lot to live up to.

6 “Camera” Arthur Ashe

ENTITY shares celebrity baby names

This name isn’t as funny as it is touching. After tennis champion Arthur Ashe died of AIDS in 1993, photographs were the only thing his daughter had left to remember him by.

Couple this fact with her mother being a professional photographer. And suddenly it seems pretty fitting that their daughter is named Camera.

5 “Satchel” Woody Allen and Mia Farrow

ENTITY shares celebrity baby names

The upside? At least your name isn’t “manpurse.” The downside? Sorry buddy, everyone knows “satchel” isn’t any better.

Despite his name, Satchel, who now just goes by Ronan Farrow, is doing pretty well in life. The 29-year-old spent most of his career in politics. He even held the position as special advisor of global youth issues under Hillary Clinton.

4 “Denim” Toni Braxton

ENTITY shares celebrity baby names

Braxton intended for her son’s name to be spelled Denham like Oldham. But, when the nurses at the hospital started mispronouncing the child’s name, she changed the spelling to “Denim.” Because that’s so much better.

“I think names can define you. I think it’s important that kids have their own identity, and I think this is a decade of having freedom,” Braxton said in a 2011 OK! interview.

3 “Blanket” Michael Jackson

ENTITY shares celebrity baby names

At least this name is more of a nickname. But it’s not like Jackson’s son’s actual name, Prince Michael Jackson II, is much better. And when your brother Michael Joseph Jackson Jr. goes by Prince too, it sort of makes sense why Prince Michael II needed another name.

However, after his father’s death, the teenager stopped going by Blanket. He changed his name before entering middle school to “Bigi.”

Weird fun fact? Michael Jackson used his own name in all of his children’s baby names. Even his daughter is named Paris-Michael Katherine Jackson.

2 “Banjo” Rachel Griffiths and Andrew Taylor

ENTITY shares celebrity baby names

If someone is comparing you to an instrument, your first choice is probably not “Banjo.” However, that’s what Rachel Griffiths’ son has to write on his “my name is” card.

Her explanation? The name is inspired by the famous journalist and poet Banjo A.B. Patterson. Fun fact: Both Banjos are from the land of the kangaroos aka Australia.

1 “Apple” Chris Martin and Gwyneth Paltrow

ENTITY shares celebrity baby names

Probably the most famous on the list? Apple. Gwyneth Paltrow caught a lot of online criticism for naming her daughter Apple in 2004. And with good reason. After all, it is a fruit. Or now, it’s commonly associated with the popular computer brand.

But, Paltrow was quick to defend her decision. The name was inspired by the name of Martin’s booking agent’s daughter.

“People did talk about Apple a lot. My husband named her,” she said to Hello! Canada Magazine. “I loved it straightaway. I thought it was so unique and sounded cool.”

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