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Harvey Specter on “Suits” is often aggressive or indifferent. So, when Harvey cracks under the pressure of his ego and other’s expectations, these moments hit us the hardest.

The actor behind Harvey, Gabriel Macht, does an amazing job playing the jaded man, especially when you find out that Gabriel isn’t as stiff and controlled as Harvey Specter’s haircut. He’s the opposite. Where the lawyer is cold and aggressive, the actor is warm and welcoming.

Nevertheless, Gabriel excels at his depiction of Harvey. Acting at it’s greatest, ladies and gentlemen.

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Harvey tries hard to be perfect and keep his feelings to himself, but no one can bear the weight of emotional constipation forever. Although these moments are rare, we’ve compiled a list of the top five times Harvey Specter made us cry. Grab your tissues because it will be a tear jerker.

1 When Harvey Got News that his Father Died

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Harvey was one for two when it came to having decent parents. His father was that one. Although he toured with his band most of Harvey’s life, he was supportive and loving towards him. He was the cool dad that Harvey could look up to, the one he trusted to never let him down.

So when Donna told him his father had died, Harvey’s whole world was shaken.

Harvey loved him so much, but hadn’t spoken to him in a long time due to a fallout with his mother’s infidelity. And since their last words weren’t on good terms, it hit him even harder.

Good thing momma Jessica swooped in and gave him the good news of his promotion. He wanted to pretend that everything was well, but he truly needed that good news.

2 Harvey’s Panic Attacks When He Lost Donna

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Harvey Specter breaking down and having panic attacks was a crazy shock. At first, it seemed like a fluke. Work had been stressful lately and Donna had just left him. But when the attacks came and we saw how incapacitated he became during the onslaught, tears came to our eyes.

Every time Harvey thought he was getting better, the attack hit him. The amount of fear and empathy on Mike’s face reflected our exact mood. It was uncomfortable to see the man who always had it together break down the way that he did. However, it was moving to see how human this situation made Harvey. We live for these humanizing moments because it makes us understand his character all the more.

3 When Harvey First Told His Therapist about His Mother’s Betrayal

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The way Harvey refused to settle down or show his emotions screamed “mommy issues.” Besides, Harvey always hinted at his mother’s betrayal throughout the series. He even explained it plainly to Scottie when he railed at her for making him the unwilling party of infidelity. However, we never got to explore just how horribly that affected him.

After Donna left him,  Harvey had no choice but to come to terms with his issues of abandonment with a psychiatrist, Dr. Paula Agard. We saw him battle with her when he was really battling with himself. We also saw him try to fight his instincts to cover up his emotions with anger or suave misdirection.

When Dr. Agard finally broke down his walls and he told us about Lily Specter’s betrayal, we couldn’t help but break down ourselves. She cheated on her husband with a different man, Bobby, and when Harvey found out as a child, she had the audacity to tell him to keep it a secret. Then, on top of that, she threatened him by saying she’d break up the family if he ever told.

Harvey grew up to become manipulative and cold because that’s exactly how his mother treated him when he was a child. It’s okay, Harvey. We understand everything now and we feel your pain.

4 When Jessica Told Harvey She Felt Betrayed by Him

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This one is a throwback to the second episode of season two when Gabriel Macht and Gina Torres’ (Jessica) acting caused surprising tears in our eyes. Jessica and Harvey have fought plenty of times before that, but they always had an underlying level of trust in one another that made their squabbles easy to get past.

That scene, however, revealed a crack in the mother/son dynamic that the two have shown throughout the entire series. You can tell Harvey likes winning, but he also likes making Jessica proud. He usually knows he can make her mad as long as he gets his job done.

But this time, Harvey crossed the line by hiring Mike and keeping him on even though he knew Mike was a fraud.

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It not only put Jessica’s future in danger, but showed that he didn’t trust or respect her. When Jessica told him this, the pain and confusion in his eyes were palpable. Jessica had never reacted to any of his decisions this way and her rejection rocked him to his core.

5 When Harvey Opens Up to Donna about the Guilt He Felt about Mike’s Fraud Trial

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Harvey Specter and Donna Paulsen have had many emotional scenes together because she’s one of the very few people Harvey can open up to. So when he went to go see her at the eve of Mike’s trial, we knew some soul revealing would happen.

Nothing could prepare us for the level of guilt Harvey dropped on that dining room table. All the tension about bringing Mike on board, betraying Jessica and losing Scottie built up inside him until the levy couldn’t hold the waves of guilt anymore. It really informs the emotional fight Harvey and Mike had later.

Harvey didn’t just want to teach Mike how to be tough for jail, he wanted Mike to punish him. He pushed and pushed until Mike broke and lashed out the way Harvey needed him to. Talk about depressing and exhausting.

It hurts us too, Harvey.

But we don’t want to end this on a sad note. So to finish off our favorite emotional scenes with our favorite emotionally-stunted lawyer, here are some kickass Harvey Specter quotes:

  • “When you’re backed against the wall, break the goddamn thing down.”
  • “Never destroy anyone in public when you can accomplish the same result in private.”
  • “I’m against having emotions, not against using them.”
  • “Sometimes good guys have to do bad things to make the bad guy pay.”
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