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Entity talks suits DonnaPhoto by Wafa_chaouni via Twitter

Yes, you read that right. On season seven of “Suits,” Donna should be focusing on herself.

Although many Suitors wouldn’t agree, hear us out on this one. Fans were angry when Donna left Harvey at the end of season four, but we support it. She needed to prioritize herself.

Then, at the end of season five, we finally saw that distance pay off. Donna moved on to someone else because she realized Harvey wasn’t ready for a relationship. In season six, she started a business with our favorite IT man, Benjamin. Even if they got off to a rocky start, the pair landed on a good deal with Louis’s old trader friend, Stu.

Her life is just now gaining the momentum she’s always needed. Why should she slow down?

Darvey throughout the Series

Entity talks suits donna


As a on-going “will they or won’t they” dynamic on “Suits,” Donna and Harvey have been dancing around a relationship since the beginning of the season. We know they’ve crossed the line and had sex. We also know they love each other. However, there’s always been an excuse, especially on Harvey’s end.

Okay, we’ll admit it. The Harvey and Donna kiss in Harvey’s season six dream rocked our worlds as much as it rocked yours. But it was just a dream for a reason. Harvey could never fully commit to Donna because he was in love with Scottie.

After that relationship ended, he had a lot of emotional baggage to deal with regarding his mother. Apparently, she was the reason he’s never had a solid relationship in his life. Harvey then spent two seasons – six and seven – exploring his problems and fixing them.

Sure, we’re overjoyed Harvey finally healed from his mother’s betrayal. But just because he’s all patched up, it doesn’t mean Donna’s been keeping herself warm for him.

Entity talks suits Donna


She’s learning more about herself and her own needs now.

Success Suits Donna Better – At least for Right Now

Entity talks suits Donna


Right now, there’s a huge gap between Donna’s possibilities and her current role as an executive assistant.

In every season of “Suits,” Donna has always known what to do. She anticipates people’s thoughts and emotions with her sharp intuition. Hell, in her flashback with her father at the end of season four, they made it seem like she was damn near clairvoyant. So why can’t our girl can do bad all by herself, especially when she’s shown she doesn’t need any help from Harvey to do it?

Entity talks suits donna


Donna can’t be mother hen for Harvey forever.

It’s time for Donna to be defined by her own marks in life instead of being known for how much easier she makes other people’s lives. We’d rather see Donna in her own business suit before we see her ironing Harvey’s.

Now, it’s not that we never want Darvey to happen. The two make a great pair, and the show would be robbed if it never explored Donna and Harvey as a real couple. However, season seven is not the time.

So far, everyone has gotten a chance to leave the shadow of their mentor: Harvey with Jessica, Mike with Harvey and Rachel with her father. It’s time for Donna to leave Harvey’s shadow as well.

Let’s just say entrepreneur suits Donna as a better title than Harvey’s executive assistant.

Entity talks suits donna


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