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Entity On Dermablading This Summer

Shaving, waxing, chemical peels and laser hair removal. All are ways we have come to know hair removal in the past. But what is all the hype to this new beauty process, dermablading?

Now that it’s springtime, warm weather is finally on its way and the natural beauty trend taking off. Dermablading is the best skincare secret to learn about as we move closer to summer.

Here are five reasons why you shouldn’t skip this essential treatment.

1. Bye-Bye To Shaving, Waxing, Chemical Peels, and Laser Hair Removal. Hello Dermablading!

So what’s the difference between dermablading and shaving my face?

The one “no-no” all of our mothers told us about during our introduction to shaving as a teen: never ever shave your face.

What separates dermablading, also known as dermaplaning, from the scary term shaving? Dermablading is a treatment that is only focused on removing the baby hairs of the face. That peach fuzz that can give us an annoying start to a mustache or a shadow along the jaw. Regular shaving focuses on terminal hair, the coarse hair that is known to grow back a little darker and thicker.

These peach fuzz hairs are called vellus hairs, and if not removed, can oftentimes be the reason we have clogged and blocked pores. This causes a good amount of oil and other debris to make a home in our skin, likely being the cause of acne and irritation. The act of shaving our faces is frowned upon, but dermablading is the only time “shaving” our faces is praised.

With other forms of hair removal, such as a chemical peel, women who are pregnant refrain from that type of treatment because it can be unhealthy for both baby and mom-to-be. With dermablading, it is a safe option for mom and baby!

Waxing and laser hair removal are known to sometimes cause irritation for skin types that are classified as sensitive, but dermablading is safe for all skin types! The only skin that is advised to stay away from dermablading is skin that is acne prone or is currently experiencing a break out because you are more prone to break the skin.

2. The Dewey Dermablading Glow

The appreciation for a fresh face is in, and the full face of glam makeup is making its way out.

Celebrities like Jorja Smith, Cassie, Kendall Jenner, and Naomi Campbell are making a statement, perfecting that dewy glow that is simple, yet exactly enough to stand out.

With dermablading, the 45 degree angle blade does work like magic. It is not only removing your peach fuzz but also removing your dead skin.

When finished with dermablading, Kelsey Ferencak at Body & Soul told The Clinic, “I notice a difference immediately. My skin looks polished, clear and super smooth.” Kelsey also told the Clinic that she was receiving compliments on her dewy skin just THREE weeks after her dermablading appointment!

According to Toni Hynes, a beauty editor at BEAUTY Crew, “Dermablading is a form of exfoliation, that is designed to improve the smoothness, circulation, and overall radiance of your skin.”

Your skin will not only feel clean but will have a long lasting fresh and dewy look, making it easy to run out of the house on a hot summer day!

Entity On Dermablading This Summer
Image via Sonicsmooth

3. Make-up Lover? Dermablading Is For You Too!

The natural look is on the up and up, however, for the makeup lovers, demablading was made for you too!

As time goes by, our dead skin cells can form a veil over our skin, taking away that fresh look we are trying to achieve, even when wearing makeup. Dermablading is also able to reduce the appearance of fine lines and flaky skin.

According to Grace Roy at Thread, dermablading also allows for a smoother makeup application. Powder and foundation will appear less cakey and wont cling to your peach fuzz. That red carpet look will shine even brighter after a session of dermablading.

4. What Up-Keep?

We all know that in the summer, we are on the go. Trying to check all the items off of our summer bucket-list or even working that 9-5 while trying to maintain a social life. Our schedules can be tight and we might not have a lot of time to spare, especially when it comes to spending hours on waxing and laser hair removal appointments.

Kelsey Ferencak tells The Clinic that her dermablading appointment took all of 30 minutes and she isn’t due back for her next appointment for another five weeks!

The up-keep…wait. What up-keep? Going five weeks with glowing, fresh skin? Count me in!

Entity On Dermablading This Summer
Image via Unstock

5. Price Point On Point

Whether you’re balling on a budget or just looking for a decent deal, dermablading is here to save the day. And your bank account.

The price range for dermablading can cost anywhere from $75 to $175 dollars, depending on location, salon, and other services included with your dermablading.

With the retention rate anywhere from three to five weeks, a dermablading treatment makes the money worth it.

The spring and summer months are all about being easy, breezy and beautiful. Beautiful skin is in and dermablading is a must for achieving exactly that!

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