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Entity discusses how to get rid of acne fast

You’ve done your research, but you keep getting the same answers: “In just two months, you’ll start to notice a difference!” or “Shelly watches her pimples disappear in a matter of years!”

But you don’t have time for this. You have a job interview next week, and you need to know how to get rid of acne fast.

So here are a few time-sensitive solutions for the working woman that are easy to find, safe and cheap.

1 Dab lemon juice on problem spots.

Entity discusses how to get rid of acne fast

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You can either use store-bought lemon juice or take it straight from the lemon. Dab the lemon juice on the problem spots until they are completely covered. Then leave the lemon juice until your next regular face wash.

And by the way, lemon juice even heals minor acne scars if left on for about half an hour.

2 Search for products with salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide.

Although the words acid and peroxide don’t sound awesome for your skin, they work as great cleaning agents.

Benzoyl peroxide kills any bacteria living in your pores, and salicylic acid melts the dirt that accumulates in them. Look for skin treatments that contain either of these ingredients. However, DON’T used crushed-up aspirin for the same purpose, even though it contains salicylic acid. This can cause a whole host of other problems.

But overall, just remember to use these products consistently for a maximum success rate with your treatment.

3 Apply ice to reduce swelling.

Entity discusses how to get rid of acne fast

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You don’t need to revisit the Ice Bucket Challenge on this one – just apply it where it’s needed. Ice can reduce the swelling and pain that comes with larger pimples. However, ice can irritate your skin if left on too long, so use it wisely.

Also, the toothpaste thing is a lie. Don’t put that on your face.

4 Go ham and use a zit-zapper.

Entity discuses how to get rid of acne fast

Image via Giphy

Now bare with us, it’s not as drastic as it seems. In fact, zit-zappers are one of the main methods WebMD promotes when patients ask how to get rid of acne fast. This mechanism, called Zeno, claims to erase pimples within the course of 24 hours – after a couple 2 1/2-minute long zaps, that is. However, this method is only suggested for those with an occasional pimple, and not for more severe acne cases.

5 Get some antibiotics.

Depending on your situation, this might be the last hail-mary of your acne battle. Many doctors prescribe antibiotics after numerous unsuccessful attempts with over-the-counter products. The good news is that antibiotics tend to work quickly, especially when used with a benzyl peroxide treatment.

At the end of the day, acne is the pimple of life. It can ruin your work day, demand your attention, and even affect your self-esteem. But the important thing is to stay informed about where you get your treatment info.

Your doctor or dermatologist should be your first resort. Medical sites like WebMD also have several resources on which treatments will actually work for your skin, and which ones are total baloney. But one day you will find your perfect solution, and your days of Googling “how to get rid of acne fast” will be far behind you.


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