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Who is Tata Escobar? ENTITY shares four facts you should know about Tata Escobar from the TV show "Narcos."

Female characters like Tata Escobar in the hit Netflix TV show “Narcos” are just as important as their male counterparts. But who is Tata Escobar and what does she have to do with the rise of the infamous Colombian drug lord Pablo Escobar?

Here are four facts you should know.

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1 Tata is more than just a Colombian housewife.

In the first season, Tata probably seemed like just an accessory for Pablo, with Tata checking all the boxes of a typical Colombian housewife. In season two, however, Tata proves that there’s nothing she can’t handle – including her husband’s business.

Entity shares 4 facts you should know about Tata Escobar from the TV show Narcos!

Not only does Tata hold her own against Pablo’s mother, but she also buys a personal gun to be in control of her own safety. She even becomes a consultant of Pablo’s; Tata offers her advice during rough times in Pablo’s business, like when the war starts against Los Pepes and the Cali Cartel.

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From season one to season two, Tata grows from accessory to a central part of Pablo’s decision-making. Talk about one kick-ass business woman and wife!

2 Pablo knows Tata is strong … and she isn’t afraid to use her power on him.

One of the best moments in season two? When, in episode six, Tata’s brother, Carlos, visits Tata and expresses worry for her safety. Pablo quickly corrects Carlos, saying that Tata is a stronger woman than Carlos may believe.

Entity shares 4 facts you should know about Tata Escobar from the TV show Narcos!

Tata isn’t afraid to use her power to keep her husband in line, either. Fans were stunned when, minutes into the first episode of season two, Tata Escobar strips down for a saucy romp with her husband. And while Pablo has several mistresses in season one (and a prostitute later in that same episode in season two), Tata uses her own sexuality as a weapon to keep Pablo coming back home.

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3 Part of Tata Escobar’s magic is from the actress who plays her.

It’s undeniable that Tata Escobar is an interesting, three-dimensional character all on her own. However, it’s also impossible to deny that Paulina Gaitán, the actress who plays Tata Escobar in “Narcos,” brings the character to life.

Entity shares 4 facts you should know about Tata Escobar from the TV show Narcos!

Before “Narcos,” Gaitán appeared in several Mexican TV shows and movies, including “Sin Nombre” (where she plays a Honduran girl trying to escape to the United States) and “Cosas Insignificantes” (where Gaitán is a teenager obsessed with collecting misplaced or forgotten items).

Gaitán’s impressive acting helps transform Pablo from a cruel drug lord to a sympathetic husband and father.

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4 Tata Escobar is based off of Pablo’s real-life wife.

In case you didn’t already know, “Narcos” is partly fiction and partly nonfiction, and many characters are based off of real people. Tata Escobar is no exception, although her name was changed in the Netflix series, possibly out of respect for the real Maria Victoria Henao’s privacy.

People don’t know much about Henao, but she did flee Colombia with her two children after Pablo’s death in 1995. To escape rival drug traffickers, Henao and the children kept traveling for one year until they received asylum in Argentina. As of 2009, Pablo’s son and daughter lived in Buenos Aires, both under aliases.

Entity shares 4 facts you should know about Tata Escobar from the TV show Narcos!

While “Narcos” is based off of true events, it’s important to recognize that not everything is totally accurate. Pablo and Maria’s son, now going by Sebastián Marroquín, has spoken out against several inaccuracies in the series. He claims that, unlike shown in “Narcos,” his mother never bought or used a weapon, and that she didn’t betray his father.

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The truth is, answering the common question, “Who is Tata Escobar?” is much more difficult than one would initially assume. Tata Escobar isn’t just a housewife or a TV character; she is based off of a real woman, and brought to life – again – by the acting talents of Paulina Gaitán.

One fact you should know for sure? Tata Escobar is just one of women who makes “Narcos” worth watching.

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