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One ENTITY writer writes about her experience at the ENTITY Academy.

During my Entity Academy Mentorship, I learned soft skills that I will use for the rest of my life.

The more I continued to use these soft skills daily, the more they helped me succeed.

Here are the three main soft skills that I learned while interning at Entity Academy.


Communication is always key, especially in the workplace.

I learned that my voice, opinion and ideas mattered. I communicated with my internal mentors and gave them updates on my articles and constantly asked questions.

By staying open and honest, I was encouraged to strive in my work and accomplish any task. Since I was always honest with my mentors, if I was behind my work, they were understanding and accommodating with extending my deadlines.

Because I was supported and acknowledged, it made me want to work harder and prove to myself that I can complete my daily tasks. Communicating with my peers and employers allowed me to build a personal connection with each and every one of them.


One ENTITY writer writes about her experience at the ENTITY Academy mentorship.

The relationships I built during my ENTITY Academy Mentorship were one of the most encouraging, inspiring and greatest opportunities of all.

Coming from different cities and different backgrounds taught us all something about each other. I built relationships with my peers resulting in true friendships and bonds.

It was inspiring to hear their stories, struggles and have a common ground together as one. We became a unit in this program, encouraging each other to do our work, but also knowing when to have downtime for one another. It was the best part of the program.


Another skill I learned was networking. Each speaker that visited the office to talk about his or her career, life and journey also offered a great opportunity to connect with entrepreneurs.

It was a great chance for us to learn how they came to be in the position they’re in today as successful businessmen and women. To our advantage, we had the choice to talk to the speakers after their presentations and connect with them. The speakers were not only inspiring but very informative on how to build your career into a lifestyle.

Overall, the ENTITY Academy Mentorship gave me the skills I need to succeed in anything I set my mind to.

Edited by Shahrazad Encinias
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