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Entity shares the best TED talks we should all hear.

Around the world the greatest thinkers gather to talk about the things that impact us most, technology, medicine, new discoveries, the human condition. All of these are important for you to understand yourself and how you fit in to this world. Here are the thirteen most important TED Talks to watch.

“Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are” by Ann Cuddy

Cuddy breaks down body language and tells us that it says more than our words ever could. Change your posture, change your life, and don’t forget to fake it until you become.

“My Year of Saying Yes to EverythingShonda Rhimes

Television titan Shonda Rhimes spoke about the hum of her work, and how after so much time involved in as many as four TV shows at a time, she lost that hum. Instead she turned her focus to her three daughters, and spent a year saying yes to them. Sometimes without even realizing it, you will find the hum you never knew you needed.

“We Should All Be Feminists” by Chimamanda Adichie

Sampled by Beyoncé in “Flawless,” Adichie gives a powerful message about how the way we raise our boys and girls is damaging to the way the end up living their lives later on. She reminds us that feminism is common sense, and there is no shame in calling yourself a feminist.

“The Power of Vulnerability” by Brené Brown

It’s natural to be nervous about opening yourself up to hurt, but Brown talks about how it actually benefits us to be vulnerable. It’s one of the most powerful tools we have for connecting with others.

“The Happy Secret to Better Work” by Shawn Achor

Society has told us that in order to be happy we need to work hard. But what if it’s the other way around? Achor tells us that in reality happiness makes us more productive.

“Looks Aren’t Everything. Believe Me, I’m a Model” by Cameron Russell

She’s tall, pretty, and also an underwear model. You shouldn’t judge her on her looks. Russell breaks down the modeling industry and talks about how she was looking highly seductive at the age of sixteen.

“The Power of Introverts” by Susan Cain

In a society where were must constantly put ourselves out there, it seems like introverts are a dying breed. Cain argues the attributes and unique talents that come along with being an introvert are beneficial qualities in some of the best leaders.

“How to Spot a Liar” by Pamela Meyer

We might be lied to 10-200 times per day. But what if you could spot people in those lies? Meyer teaches how to spot liars in their tracks and argues that honesty is a value worth preserving.

“How to Speak So That People Want to Listen” by Julian Treasure

Do you feel like you start talking but no one actually listens to you? If so, Treasure demonstrates the must dos of powerful speaking.

“Your Elusive Creative Genius” by Elizabeth Gilbert

We put high expectations on the people who create art in this world, but Gilbert argues that everyone has their own creative genius stored up in them that allows us to all create.

“How to Make Stress Your Friend” by Kelly McGonigal

Heart pounding, red cheeks, warm body; all of these are signs of stress. It has been made out to be public enemy number one, but McGonigal teaches that it can be used to your advantage.

“The Price of Shame” by Monica Lewinsky

Lewinsky shares intimate details about her experiences with cyber bullying and how it’s not taken seriously, but importantly, you can learn to survive it.

“Stripping Away Negative Body Image” by Lillian Bustle

Bustle breaks down the word fat and how she learned her value and worth as a human being. It’s a critique of society’s unreachable demands for women’s bodies, but ultimately taking back your body.

These thirteen TED Talks can help you change the way you lead your life, making you a better version of yourself. Take their advice to heart, and see what you are capable of.

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