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ENTITY talks Entity Academy female mentors

Most internships offer ways to grow your career and help you professionally. But ENTITY Academy promises to strengthen you as a person.

Here are three ways ENTITY helped build my future with female mentorship.

1 Strengthen My Career Path

ENTITY talks Entity Academy female mentors

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Writing has always been a part of my academic life. Though I’ve always enjoyed writing creatively and academically, I didn’t know how I would incorporate that into my career path if at all. However, being able to write a variety of articles at ENTITY Academy helped me realize that it’s something that I don’t want to give up. During this internship, I was able to dabble in SEO writing, hot takes and personal essays. I learned to write about topics I had no knowledge on as well as interesting topics. Overall, the writing experience at ENTITY helped me become more adaptable and confident in my writing.

2 Internal Mentorship

ENTITY talks the importance of Entity Academy female mentors

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ENTITY Academy is full of wonderful mentors and editors. I had the opportunity to talk with caring and encouraging Entity Academy female mentors who have helped me feel more confident personally and professionally. Not only did they give me great constructive feedback on my writing, but they also encouraged me to keep writing. Even at school, I wasn’t able to receive the type of feedback I received at ENTITY. However, I also learned that mentorship is a two-way street. At times, you must seek it out in order to receive it. No one will know what you need unless you ask for it.

3 Supportive Community

ENTITY talks about Entity Academy female mentors

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During these seven weeks I met a lot of awesome girls who were kind and uplifting. It’s rare to get to work amongst a group of people who care about the same issues you do. Whether it was talking about race, privilege, current events or TV shows, it was always an engaging conversation with my peers and Entity Academy female mentors.

The environment at ENTITY Academy overall was a positive one and everyone is so open-minded. People here all seem to have the same mission: to make the world better for future generations. Working here instilled a new hope for the future, knowing that our generation truly cares.

Edited by Shahrazad Encinias
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