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We all know those days. Those days where you get to the end of the day with no idea if you completed all the tasks that you were supposed to. Your stress level rises because you are scared that you forgot a meeting or a deadline. A digital bullet journal can help you organize or reflect so that you can take a deep breath and end your day with a feeling of success.

What is a bullet journal?

Bullet journaling is described by “The Bullet Journal Method” as a way to “Track the Past, Order the Present, Design the Future.” Bullet journaling is a way to organize your life, reflect on your day, and plan your future. When using this type of journal, all your reflections, tasks, and notes are written down in bullet points, keeping your thoughts well-ordered.

A digital bullet journal is very similar to the traditional bullet journal method. The key difference is that it allows you to log all the same tasks but on your phone, tablet, or laptop.

Why should I use a digital bullet journal?

We live in a time of competition. There is limited time to sit down and take a break. People are pushing each other to become better and accomplish more things. As good as this may be, it can also create a very stressful environment. You have so many things in your calendar that it is easy to forget something.

Traditional bullet journals are handy – if you have time. Most likely, however, you do not have time to sit down, take out your physical journal from your bag, find a pen, and then jot down whatever. Therefore, by having a digital bullet journal on your phone, you have it handy and with you all the time.

There are a lot of different types of bullet journals in the digital world. Some help you to organize or reflect on your day. I went on the iPhone App Store and found three free digital bullet journals that I found helpful in my everyday life. Hopefully, you will find some inspiration too!

1. Taskade

ENTITY shares photo of screenshot of bullet journal app.

Taskade is a free digital planner that you can find in your app store. It is a very easy app to navigate around in and it has a lot of different features.

It is easy to create a new list for whatever purpose you need. Taskade does not only have the option to create bullet journal lists. You can also create lists with a weekly planner, a brainstorm list, a meeting agenda list, etc.

Taskade is a good digital journal for you if you want a simple journal that helps you organize your day, your goals and your accomplishments.

2. Grid Diary

Screenshot of Grid Diary app

Whereas Taskade helps you organize your day and make sure you get to where you need to be, Grid Diary helps you reflect on your day.

Every day that you go into the app there are eight questions for you to answer related to your day. Questions range from, “Every single day is unique, please choose a suitable word to describe today,” to “What problem(s) did I encounter today? How did I solve it/them?”

Some questions also make you look ahead and reflect on your future. For instance one question asks, “What can I do today to make my future better?”

Another feature in the Grid Diary is that it gives you daily quotes to reflect on. Every time you are in the grid, you can swipe up and a new quote will be displayed.

The Grid Diary is a really awesome tool for you if you enjoy sitting down and taking the time to reflect on your day. The questions in the Grid Diary allow you to really think about your accomplishments and what you can do differently tomorrow. It takes up a lot less of your time than it would if you were to write everything down in a physical journal.

3. Elisi

screenshot of elisi app

Elisi has both free and paid features. The free feature on Elisi is a planner. It allows you to write down everything you need to remember during the day, and when you have accomplished the task, you can check it off by choosing between three different emojis to show how satisfied you were with the work.

Even though there are a lot of features that are not accessible through the free version, I did like Elisi. If you are lacking organization in your day to day life, but don’t have the time for deep reflection, Elisi is perfect for you.

Elisi keeps your day organized without taking up more than a couple of seconds of your day. If your day has been super stressful and you no longer remember what you need to do, pull up Elisi and you will remember what you need to do right away.

There are many different ways to make use of digital journals. It all depends on who you are as a person. If you are organized in your daily life but need more time by the end of the day to reflect, Grid Diary is a great source. If you are not the type of person to write down a lot of reflections from your day but instead need to be more organized, Elisi would be a good choice. If you, on the other hand, need a little bit of everything, Taskade is the journal for you.

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