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Stress is the body’s natural reaction to protect against potential predators or danger. Of course, anyone who has ever experienced stress can attest to the fact that it is not that simple. Nowadays, people can experience stress for a number of reasons. We don’t only feel stress when in physical danger, even though that is how our body perceives it. People are always looking for new tips on how to relieve stress.

Stress can manifest itself in many different ways, both physically and psychologically. It can be caused by a wide range of factors called stressors. These can include anything from personal problems to traumatic events, and it is important to remember that stressors differ from person to person.

If you are feeling stressed, it is important to remember that you are not alone. Seventy percent of adults in the U.S. report experiencing stress daily. With this many people affected by daily stressors, the need for stress relief is crucial.

Just as there is no single cause of stress, there is no single cure. There are a number of tactics recommended to help relieve stress, many of which don’t require much time or effort. So, if you’re feeling a bit in over your head today, take a few minutes to yourself and practice these five ways to relieve stress in under five minutes.

1. Practice Deep Breathing

Deep breathing is a quick and easy way to relax your body. It sends a message to your brain telling it to calm down. Symptoms of stress, including high blood pressure and increased heart rate, can actually be reversed by practicing deep breathing.

There are lots of breathing exercises that are easy to learn and can be quickly called upon if you begin to feel stressed. It is important to try multiple different breathing techniques and find the one that works best for you. One example is the 4-4-4 technique, where you inhale for four seconds, hold for four seconds, and exhale for four seconds.

2. Listen to Music

Another tactic to relieve stress is listening to music, specifically music that you enjoy. Listening to music can serve as a good distraction when you feel overwhelmed.

Even more than serving as a distraction to the stress, playing or listening to music can actually reverse the body’s response to stress. It lowers blood pressure and regulates respiration rates. Taking a few minutes to listen to a song you like can shift your mindset for the rest of the day.

3. Light a Candle

Burning a scented candle is another quick and easy way to relieve stress. Studies have shown that the practice of aromatherapy can be an effective and simple stress relief therapy method.

Certain scents are especially calming and could be used as go-to’s for stress relief. Some have been proven to improve sleep as well. These scents can include lavender, rose, and bergamot.

4. Laugh

Remembering to laugh in the midst of a stressful situation is a good way to simultaneously relieve tension and alter your stress response. Even if it feels forced, laughing while you feel stressed has been proven to reduce stress, leaving you feeling more relaxed.

It does not matter whether you obtain a good laugh by watching a funny video, asking a friend to tell a joke, or recalling a story that makes you smile. What is important is that you take the time to laugh.

5. Write it Down

Using a journal is a proven way to help relieve stress while on a time crunch. Keeping written track of thoughts and feelings can lead to a more balanced life, and allow you to be conscious of the things that are causing you stress.

Writing down things that contribute to stress can be helpful. However, experts encourage us to focus on the positives while journaling. Jotting down things you can control, are grateful for, or love about yourself are likely to relieve stress and boost self-worth. The beauty of journaling is that there are no rules, and you are welcome to practice however feels best.

These five practices are among many that can quickly and efficiently help to relieve stress. Not everyone may have the time to go for a run, or talk to a specialist every time they feel stressed. In many instances, something as quick as listening to a song or lighting a candle may do the trick. So next time you are feeling stressed, do not let those feelings linger unattended to. Take five minutes to yourself and utilize one of these techniques.

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