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Entity discusses the qualities of confident women

Have you ever googled “how to be a confident woman?” If not, then it probably has come naturally to you. Confidence is not something you had to be taught; it’s something you inherited. That’s a good thing, right?

Unfortunately, not everyone understands how the traits of confident women are beneficial to society at large. We’ve compiled a short list of moments to which all inherently confident women can relate.

When you decline a date without any hint of indecision.

Entity discusses the traits of confident women

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Ah yes, the unspoken expectation of the “pity date” or the “lie about a boyfriend back home.” Straight up saying “no” to a date is no easy task, and it’s hard to imagine that response not sounding mean. However, there is nothing wrong with a woman saying a concise, “No, thank you” to such a request.

She might even apologize for hurting his feelings, but she does not apologize for not dating the suitor. She is not doing anything wrong by choosing whom she wants to spend time with, especially if she responds in a tone that lacks hostility or disgust.

When you’re FANTASTIC at ordering food at restaurants.

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You don’t spend time awkwardly pronouncing foreign words; you choose a pronunciation and pronounce it with pride. If you’re hungry enough to want a large pizza, you will not let anyone convince you otherwise.

Your speech naturally lacks the “ums” and “uhs” that flood modern language, so you end up being much more efficient with your time.

When you discuss your physical boundaries on the first date.

Entity discusses the traits of confident women

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Okay, maybe you’re not soliciting snuggles like Liz Lemon. However, you would never hesitate to discuss those boundaries right there at the first dinner.

Sure you might forget once or twice, or some nights you don’t even feel like you need to if you two are parting ways after the date. However, no matter where you draw the line with your physical boundaries, you are certainly not afraid to express them.

When you can connect with basically anyone at family events.

Entity discusses the traits of confident women

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Confident women have a special knack for making quick connections with strangers, especially if the stranger is one of the most bored people at the party. Whether it be your great uncle Bill, awkward cousin Shelly, or even that guy who just shows up every time for some reason, you can find the golden connection.

You can also talk at length about literally anything, even if you know absolutely nothing about the subject. This is not just a special skill; this is a gift.

When anyone threatens your babies and you become an overprotective tiger mom.

Entity discusses the qualities of confident women

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Whether it be your friends, your boyfriends, or your siblings, nobody hurts your babies and gets away with it. You do your best to not stick your nose in other people’s business if it does not require your involvement. However, when it gets personal, it gets personal. You have no problem with setting someone straight, especially if your friends are not quite assertive enough to always defend themselves.

So if you have most of these qualities, appreciate them. Your confidence makes you a leader, and just about any community could use the strong female leadership you have to offer.



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