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ENTITY reports on how to increase your serotonin levels.

What Is Serotonin?

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter, which helps relay messages from one part of the brain to another. It is often called the body’s “feel good” chemical because it is linked to our psychology. Serotonin levels affect our mood, appetite, learning, memory, social behavior and more.

Serotonin levels play an essential role in our body’s stability, especially when it comes to our mental health. For example, low levels of serotonin have been linked to depression, anxiety and obsessive compulsive disorder. Antidepressants work by increasing serotonin levels in the brain. There are, however, natural ways to boost serotonin levels.

In order to keep them up, try adding these seven habits to your daily life:


ENTITY discusses how to boost Serotonin Levels with Exercise

Ever notice that you feel great after a workout? That post-workout high is in part because exercise boosts your serotonin levels. Exercise activates motor neurons, which then increases the firing of serotonin neurons. Breaking a sweat can also cause the brain to produce more tryptophan, an amino acid that gets converted into serotonin. So make time for your favorite fitness activity. It will not only strengthen your body, it will help lift your spirits!

Spend Time In The Sun

Serotonin Levels and Sunlight

It’s no coincidence that most of us associate sunny days with happiness. Sunlight triggers serotonin synthesis in our bodies. The more sunlight the better! But, of course, with the proper skin protection. The connection between sunlight and serotonin levels explains why depression levels peak during the darker winter months. This is a disorder known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Sun exposure has also been linked to higher cognitive functioning. If you need yet another reason to go out into the sun, serotonin converts into melatonin, which helps regulate your sleep. 

Eat Protein

ENTITY discusses how to boost Serotonin Levels with Protein

Protein is an excellent source of tryptophan, an amino acid that turns into serotonin. Fish, chicken, beef, pork, legumes and nuts are all examples of high protein foods that you may want to increase in your diet. Not only do these foods help boost your mood, but they will also keep you full longer, as well as increase the production of dopamine, the chemical compound responsible for pleasure.

Add Turmeric To Your Diet

ENTITY discusses how to boost Serotonin Levels with Turmeric

Turmeric contains a number of powerful healing properties. It is a well known anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. But it also helps moderate neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, in the brain. Researchers believe that turmeric can help battle everything from Alzheimer’s disease to depression. This superfood is also delicious! Add turmeric to eggs, soups or tea for an easy body and mind boost! Turmeric is an essential ingredient to keep in your spice drawer. 

Get A Massage

ENTITY discusses how to boost Serotonin Levels with Massage

We all know that massages are a great way to practice self-care. Many of us already know how good a massage can make us feel. But do you know why? Beyond soothing achey muscles, massages also increase your serotonin levels. The University of Miami School of Medicine concluded that an effective massage can increase serotonin levels by around 28 percent! It can also decrease the stress hormone cortisol by up to 53 percent.

Eat Less Sugar

ENTITY discusses how to boost Serotonin Levels with Sugar

Ok, so not nearly as fun as massages. But one of the signs of low serotonin levels is a constant sugar craving. When your serotonin drops your body tries to increase its tryptophan by increasing its insulin. However, too much sugar can have harmful effects on the body, such as type two diabetes and hypoglycemia. Instead, try slowly diminishing your sweet tooth and consuming more filling foods like protein and vegetables.

Reduce Stress

ENTITY discusses how to boost Serotonin Levels by limiting stress

Stress leads to the production of cortisol and adrenaline. Too much of these hormones will interfere with serotonin levels. Chronic stress is a problem we all face, which is why we need to introduce more relaxation into our lives. This can make a huge difference in our overall health and wellbeing.

Edited by Chloe Lew
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