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ENTITY shares treadmill workouts for summer.

Getting in shape and de-stressing after a difficult week is highly necessary, and ENTITY has you covered.

You don’t have to go on a long run that can take up to an hour, because let’s face it, some of us don’t have the time. What you need is a quick treadmill workout to ease your mind.

According to Self, it is it not about time spent on the treadmill that will help impact your workout, but rather the intervals you apply to your workouts that will help maximize your cardio sessions.

If you have a treadmill at home or if you’re at the gym and want to get in a quick cardio session, here are five treadmill exercises to help you get your fix.

1 Try a five to ten minute warm-up.

ENTITY shares treadmill workouts for summer.

This quick and simple exercise session is one of many treadmill workouts for beginners. The best part about this efficient and speedy warm-up is that you’re sure to get done at a comfortable pace. You can also enjoy yourself without gasping for air.

2. Now run for one minute.

ENTITY shares treadmill workouts for summer.

Find a challenging pace to push your heart rate to 80 or 85 percent of your maximum heart rate for best results.

3 Allow yourself a one to two minute recovery.

ENTITY shares treadmill workouts for summer.

Try slowing down to a moderate walk or jog until your heart rate falls between 120-130 beats per minute.

One to two minutes is usually a sufficient amount of recovery time. Afterwards, get ready to start another one-minute sprint, full speed ahead.

4 Alternate runs and recovery intervals for 20 to 30 minutes.

ENTITY shares treadmill workouts for summer.

Having fun running on the treadmill does not mean you need to over work yourself to the point of exhaustion. You shouldn’t want to get off so quickly after beginning your workout.

Change up your workout with this side sprint lunge like shown in the picture above.

5 Take a five-minute cool down session to complete your treadmill intervals.

ENTITY shares treadmill workouts for summer.

Running on the treadmill can be a little boring, and sometimes the minutes can feel like hours, but the trick is to have fun doing it. You can dance to your favorite song on the treadmill or even challenge yourself to run a full song. The point is to have fun and get that sweat going.

Every time you step onto the treadmill, make it a challenge to extend your intervals and run a little more every time. It’s also important to note that wearing comfortable shoes during these treadmill workouts is key.

Avoid wearing any heavy, clunky shoes or extremely light shoes. Instead, find a shoe that has proper support.

Remember, this isn’t a competition. The only race you have going on is with yourself. You can do it!

Edited by Kayla Caldwell
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