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Flirting seems like a natural instinct for some, and as difficult as high school calculus to others. More often than not, flirting is a trial and error experiment — hopefully, you’re able to learn from your past flirting mistakes so that you can avoid making them the next time around.

Flirting can be done for a multitude of reasons, it’s not always just to share your feelings for another.

Sean M. Horan, a writer and author of Adventures in Dating, lists six different motives behind flirting in his article on Psychology Today. According to Horan, flirting can be used to make a crush more obvious, to find out what the motive behind someone else’s actions are, just for fun, to accomplish something, to build self-confidence and purely just for sexual reasons.

Although there are a variety of reasons to flirt, knowing what not to do is crucial in getting the right message across to someone. Without further ado, here is what not to do while flirting.

Do Not Lick Their Face

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We are not sure why Brittany is doing this to Snoop Dogg in the first place, but we guarantee most people do not like to get randomly licked.

Do Not Blow on Them Unexpectedly

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I mean, even if they are expecting it, we still would not recommend blowing on their face as a flirting technique. Especially if you are going to blow on them and not actually initiate a conversation. That might make it creepy.

Do Not Show Up Wearing the Same Outfit They Are Wearing

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Your crush might question how you knew what they were going to wear. This could make for a very awkward explanation. You should just avoid this at all costs.

Do Not Attack Them With a Stuffed Bunny

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Unless they’re a huge fan of stuffed animals, we would avoid using this tactic to flirt. It probably won’t end well, and might make them feel very weirded out.

Do Not Dress Up Like an Ice Cream Sundae

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Although appetizing, an ice cream sundae might look better for dessert after you guys have your first dinner date. Be as sweet as an ice cream sundae but you do not need to be the cherry on top yet.

Do Not Chase Them Around in a Police Car

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First of all, they might be thrown off by the fact that you have a police car. Automatic red flag. Did you steal the police car, is one of your parents a police officer? Even then, it is still illegal to chase someone around in a police car to flirt.

Do Not Invite Them to Meet You in the Bathroom … Or the Bathroom Stall

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We saved this one for last for (hopefully) obvious reasons. Just don’t do it. Ask them to talk somewhere, anywhere, that is not the bathroom.

Although there are multiple dont’s, if you take anything away from this, it should be …

Do Act Confident!

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Because after all, Queen Bey said it best. Everybody flirts differently. No matter how your flirting technique compares to others’, always put your best self forward.

Edited by Kylie Anderson
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