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Entity discusses home remedies for eczema

You’ve heard of apple cider vinegar, itch relief cream and artisan Indian treatments. But which remedies work, and which are total bogus?

After all, it’s not easy to find trial-and-error articles for home remedies for eczema.

So here are five totally doable, safe home remedies for eczema.

1 De-fragrance your entire life.

Most people living with eczema know to avoid fragrance triggers, but these can be tricky. Everything from deodorant, fabric softeners or hidden Air Wicks could be the secret culprit to your eczema outbreaks. Double check the chemicals in all of your skin products — everything from lotion to foundation.

2 Put on gloves right before bed.

Gloves work as an effective home remedy for eczema. Photo via Instagram/@handmadeplace

Although it might feel silly, gloves are great solutions to subconscious skin scratching. Overnight scratching can lead to a flare-up the following day, so putting on cloth gloves right before bed can reduce the possibility of night scratching. Also, make sure the material of your pajamas or sheets is not causing unnecessary friction to rash areas.

3 Apply tea tree oil & olive oil to problem areas.

These two home remedies for eczema work well together or separately. Olive oil contains fatty acids that can reduce inflammation when applied directly to problem areas.

If using tea tree oil, dilute it with olive oil and apply a few drops to irritated skin. Repeat this process a couple of times daily, or until the rash is no longer flaring up. Olive oil you can apply more generously, and you may apply it as many times as needed.

4 Vegetable shortening

It may seem gross, but vegetable shortening is a great deep moisturizer. Coat the problem areas, wrap them in plastic wrap and then secure the wrap in whichever way is most comfortable. Keep the wrap on for about three hours, then repeat the process as needed to relieve itching.

5 Add omega-3 fatty acids to your diet.

Entity discusses home remedies for eczema

A salmon and asparagus meal. Image via Instagram/@vissani84

A decent amount of research contends that adding omega-3 fatty acids can do wonders for people dealing with eczema. Consult your doctor if you are interested in this treatment, and they can suggest the proper amount.

This is considered one of the most versatile home remedies for eczema, because it is easy to integrate into your diet. Salmon, olive oil and flax seeds also contain high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids.

Before you try any of these solutions, try it on a small patch of unaffected skin to check for allergic reactions. But eczema is nothing compared to your willpower and the internet’s endless wealth of home remedies. You’ve got this.

Edited by Kayla Caldwell
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