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Entity discusses how to be an adult

If you’re wondering how to be an adult, you’re in the right place. Unlike new cameras, cars, and inexplicably some toothpaste I’ve bought in the past, adulthood does not come with a manual. Therefore, with the aid of hopefully some decent parenting and armed with the internet, you can start discovering what it means to be an adult.

In face, we’ve thought up a few activities to get you started on this whole “adult life” thing.

1 Take a weird exercise class.

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(I would highly suggest aerial acrobatics. Don’t get me wrong, it’ll kick your ass, but I’ve never found working out so fun in my life).

2 Volunteer at an animal shelter.

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Just think about it. Puppies. Puppies for days. Puppies for life. It’s all you could ever ask for.

3 Order a Bloody Mary on a plane.

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Then you get to feel super fancy when your two-ounce plastic cup of alcohol comes with olives.

4 Get the interior of your car deep-cleaned.

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If you think it feels nice making the outside look pretty, you just wait until your center console isn’t covered with the crumbs of a thousand Cheeze-Its.

5 Print out physical photos.

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Whether it’s Polaroids or just good ole’ Costco prints, there’s something meaningful about a physical photograph. In those typical “I don’t have friends I’m a total loser” moments we all have in it twenties, having physical evidence of those who love of us can turn around our “Debbie Downer” days. 70% of learning how to be an adult is just making your home feel like home without obsessing over it; it can do a world of go

6 Connect with extended family.

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These are the years when you really establish who you’re going to be close to. In a world where you can never tell if someone likes you for you or just the connections you might have, it’s so important to be close with family members who will love you no matter what.

7 Buy pricier, long-lasting clothes instead of cheaper pieces.

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Trust us, in the end, you’ll be saving a *lot* of money.

8 Invest in a bed that won t wreck havoc on your back.

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Futons are great for moving and temporary living situations, but you won’t be able to fit your whole life in your Honda much longer. Having a good night’s sleep will just improve the quality of your life tenfold.

9 Take care of something.

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It could be a dog, a cat or even a plant, but being responsible for *some* sort of life form will give you a preview of how much attention kids need. So basically it’s a huge encouragement to wait until you’re REALLY ready for that kind of commitment.

10 Wash your shower towel once a week.

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If you usually leave your towel hanging over the shower, it’s going to soak up a *lot* more moisture than the ones that chill on the door hook. It’s likely that it will have a *slight* wet dog smell, even if you’ve washed it pretty recently.

That being said, if you want to dry off after a clean shower with a clean towel, washing it often (or having multiple towels to rotate) would be your best bet. Also, most of learning how to be an adult is just being kind to your roommates; that being said, having non-smelly towels is certainly an act of kindness.

11 Leave your house looking like your normal self.

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I don’t know if anyone else does this, but I always assume leaving my apartment means I have to look like a contestant on “America’s Next Top Model.” I would waste hours daily on just primping, but it always felt like I was dressing up for other people…not myself. That being said, gussy up as much or as little as *you* want to…not for other people.

12 Decorate without fear of being basic.

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Who cares if you like succulents, scented candles, fairy lights and Indian tapestries? Your room is your fortress, the one place in the world where you should feel calm and at peace. If those things make you feel at rest, than by all means, buy Paris posters and inspirational quote boards to your heart’s content.

13 Make new friends, and keep the old (if they are good friends).

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Especially in the first few years after graduation, you’re going to know pretty quickly who will stay and who will go. It’s not a bad thing, necessarily; I’ve naturally drifted apart from some really great friends, and there wasn’t a huge falling out that caused it. But don’t afraid to make new ones, especially as everyone starts moving to different places. It’s not always easy, but we know you can do it.

We hoped this gave a little more insight into how to be an adult. Odds are you’re already doing a stellar job at it, so keep up the good work.

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