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Entity gives relationship advice based on your zodiac sign

When it comes to relationships, it doesn’t hurt to get some guidance from time to time. But lucky for you, we at Entity have the best relationship advice for each zodiac sign.

And who knows? One random tip from an online magazine could be the only boost your love life needs.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Entity story on relationship advice

Via Instagram/@bollare

An an Aries, chances are you love going with the flow. You’re a total free spirit, but when it comes to relationships, make sure you don’t rush into things. Good things really do take time, and relationships are no exception. You’re curious and determined, especially when it comes to getting to know new people. But don’t feel like you need to learn everything about a person right off the bat. Taking things slow can make your next romance stand the test of time.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

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Via Instagram/@bollare

As a reliable and responsible Taurus, you like to “wear the pants” in your romantic relationships. That being said, don’t be afraid to leave some aspects of your love life to chance. Let things play out naturally and see what happens. When it comes to romance, trust your gut. But don’t let this new lack of control morph into obsessive overthinking; if it’s meant to be, it’ll be.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

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Via Instagram/@songofstyle

Geminis are super adaptable and you have no problem going with the flow. But if you’re not totally feeling it with someone, don’t let them leave you feeling tied down. You’re a free spirit, so don’t hold back when it comes to meeting new people and dating around. If you’re usually the one giving relationship advice to friends, see if you find yourself practicing what you preach.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Entity story on relationship advice

Via Instagram/@bollare

As a Cancer, chances are you’re super in touch with your emotions. But that doesn’t mean you can always easily express yourself. So when it comes to love, our relationship advice to you is to be vocal about how you feel. Even if you have to step outside your comfort zone to open up about how you feel, it’ll be worth it in the long run. Cancers tend to be incredibly loyal when it comes to romance, so definitely make it clear if you’re ready to settle down.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

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Via Instagram/@alessandraambrosio

As a passionate Leo, it’s likely that you prefer to be the dominant partner in a relationship. You have a strong voice and you’re not afraid to express yourself. But we’re gonna have to give you the same pointers we gave to our Taurus readers: it’s okay to not always be in control. Let your significant other take the reigns when it comes to making plans. They’ll appreciate the chance to take the lead, and you’ll also be able to see if they truly know what you like.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

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Via Instagram/@alessandraambrosio

As an analytical Virgo, odds are you’re better at focusing on the small details rather than seeing the big picture. But when it comes to relationships, don’t get too caught up in the details. Sometimes relationship advice isn’t easy to apply, especially if it involves stepping outside of your comfort zone. If you’re the type who obsesses over what pictures they’re liking on Instagram, try doing a social media detox. You might be surprised by how you feel.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

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Via Instagram/@bollare

As a sociable Libra, you’re likely the type of person who likes to please everyone around you. You have great communication skills, and you value equality in any relationship. But when it comes to being in a romantic relationship, remember that it’s okay to disagree. Don’t be afraid of letting someone down, especially if it means getting something important off your chest. If you and this person are meant to be together, they’ll definitely understand your honesty.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

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Via Instagram/@cosmopolitan

As a Scorpio, you passionately invest yourself in everything you do. You’re also quite the charmer, especially when you have actual romantic feelings for someone. But our relationship advice to you is this: never put on a false front to impress someone. All relationships should be built on honesty, especially if you’re looking for something that will last. Just be yourself, because you have plenty to offer by just being you.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

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Via Instagram/@jessicajanaee

As a generous Sagittarius, you always give 110%. But be careful of spreading yourself too thin. When it comes to relationships, don’t hesitate to say what’s on your mind for fear of hurting someone’s feelings. It’s always better to be honest about how much you have to offer than biting off more than you can chew. You’re also someone who loves their freedom, so make sure you don’t jump into a serious relationship too fast.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

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Via Instagram/@sabinasocol

As a responsible and grounded Capricorn, odds are you’re a huge planner. But when it comes to relationship advice, we urge you to let things flow naturally. Planning out everything, especially early on in a relationship, could potentially cause problems. You’ve always excelled at balancing your personal life with your professional life, but don’t let yourself control everything in a romantic relationship. See how it plays out organically and you might find yourself pleasantly surprised.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

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Via Instagram/@jessicajanaee

As an independent Aquarius, it can be hard for you to ask other people for help. But in any relationship, remember that it’s okay to depend on someone sometimes. Depending on your significant other won’t take away from your independent nature; in fact, it will probably increase the emotional intimacy of your relationship. So if you’re usually the one helping out your friends, chances are they’ll be there for you no matter what.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Entity story on relationship advice

Via Instagram/@tezzamb

As a fun-loving Pisces, odds are you usually turn to humor to avoid confrontation. But when it comes to dating, not every serious conversation can be made into a joke. So if you’re not ready to be exclusive, make sure the person you’re dating is on board with that. Because after all, one of the most important aspects in any relationship, even non-exclusive ones, is honesty.

So essentially, it all boils down to being honest with your romantic partners and yourself. But all that truly matters is that you’re happy and able to be yourself around them.

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