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Entity answers the question, "What is an orgasm?" and 12 Reddit women describe what an orgasm feels like.

Even if you were fortunate enough to attend a thorough sex ed class, you probably still have plenty of questions, like, “What does an orgasm feel like for women?” or even “What is an orgasm?”

First, you need to know how the female orgasm actually occurs. It begins with the vagina secreting lubrication during foreplay. As you get more turned on, blood flows toward your pelvic area, your breathing quickens and your nipples become erect. The lower part of your vagina also starts to tighten so it can grip the penis (that may or may not be involved in this sexy time). Meanwhile, the upper part of your vagina expands to give the penis plenty of room. Tension keeps building in your nerve endings and muscles until your body spontaneously releases it all, triggering what you know as an orgasm.

So, to answer, “What is an orgasm?” it’s actually the moment when a woman’s uterus, vagina and anus simultaneously contract. A small orgasm usually involves three to five contractions while a big-O can have up to fifteen.

But what does an orgasm feel like for women? Reddit to the rescue. Here’s a list showing how 12 Reddit women describe an orgasm.

1. The female orgasm is a slow boil.

“The best analogy I’ve ever heard for the female orgasm vs. male orgasm is: Man – when you shake a champagne bottle and the cork pops off. Female – leaving a pan of water on the stove on boil. Eventually, it will build up and start bubbling, then finally get more intense and overflow from the pan.”

2. It’s kinda like a sneeze? But 1000 times better.

It [feels] like sneezing (if you have a good sensation when you sneeze), but it lasts longer and is stronger and more surrounded in my lower body, so to speak.”

3. No, really. Like a sneeze.

“It’s the same feeling as a sneeze, but lower on the body. Right before you sneeze, you get that ‘buildup’ feeling, then you stop everything for the sneeze, and then you feel so much better after the sneeze…that’s pretty much the same for an orgasm.”

4. It’s an electric shock.

“It feels like an electric current from your clitoris that radiates all over your body. When this happens, there is a complete loss of knowledge of anything around me except the feeling…The area will feel internally warm and sensitive for minutes after an orgasm, and I will usually experience a feeling of calm or contentment afterward.”

5. What is an orgasm? It’s comparable to the best massage chair ever.

“To me, it feels like a vibration from one of those massage chairs. Obviously, in a different region, times a thousand in intensity.”

6. It’s an explosion in space.

“If your body were the universe, your genitals are a collection [of] stars that go through a supernova.”

7. How does an orgasm feel? Itchy…in a good way.

“For me, it’s this pleasurable itch that MUST be scratched and then suddenly you’re scratching and oh god it feels amazing and BOOM…a sensation of extreme pleasure, release, and satisfaction that the itch has been scratched.”

8. It’s falling in all directions at the same time.

“Do you know the sensation of falling? It’s like that but in all directions at the same time, and your brain feels like it’s coated in syrup.”

9. It’s like waiting for delicious food at a restaurant.

“It’s this intense anticipation. Like you’ve ordered a steak and know just how you want it cooked. You keep seeing the server bring food out, and you think for a second that each time you see the server, they may be bringing you your fabulous steak, until FINALLY, you see the server…but instead of walking by you, your desire for this awesome steak is fulfilled.”

10. It’s a stretch that beats yoga, hands-down.

“For me, the build up feels like that really big, satisfying stretch after a long night of really deep sleep. The actual orgasm feels like complete and total pleasure/relief.”

11. What is an orgasm? It’s the sexiest kind of scary movie.

“You know when you watch a really suspenseful movie and, at some point, you realize that your entire body is wound up and tense? And then, when the suspense finally breaks when the bad guy jumps out of the closet or whatever, and there is that feeling or tingles and relief? [An orgasm] is kinda like that. But really sexy.”

12. It may leave you “drunk” afterward.

“It is like a warm, tingling wave that starts at your center and just radiates outward. It can be frustratingly blissful as you start to build and then lose it and then build again. Each time you start to climb that mountain, it becomes more intense and desperate.

“[Afterward,] walking, talking and thinking are difficult for a while. Really, I feel like someone hit the off switch on any cares I might have. It is like being drunk but better. I call it ‘Sex Drunk,’ and it is amazing.”

At the end of the day, every woman experiences orgasms differently and there is no one correct form of the female orgasm. But, if you’ve ever wondered if any other women thought an orgasm was like sneezing … well, you’re definitely not alone!

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