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Entity explains genital pimplesPhoto by Africa Studio via Shutterstock

Have you noticed small genital pimple invaders around your vagina? Are they less like mole hills and more like rolling mountains? Don’t start drafting your will just yet.

There are many non-lethal explanations for bumps or pimples around your genitals that can be healed with simple self-care and and time.

Our vaginas are one of the most strongest, most sensitive and most complex organs on our bodies. A couple of pimples won’t keep her down.

So if you are worried, here are some potential reasons you’ve got pimples down there.

1 The Shaving Type

Entity explains genital pimples


Conditions like Folliculitis and ingrown hairs cause pimples to form around your vag.

If you have these little suckers, don’t worry. Pimples on your vag after shaving are very common and are generally caused by shaving in the wrong direction, using an inexpensive razor that causes you to push harder during shaving, or shaving without shaving cream or gel.  A curly hair pattern on women who trim their hair instead of shave them could also be the culprit of this type of pimple.

The Verdict: You’re safe

Simple home remedies or behavioral changes can fix this issue. However, ways to avoid shaving pimples include:

  • Shaving in the shower, so the steam can open your pores
  • Shaving in the direction of hair growth
  • Using shaving creams or gels
  • Investing in a higher quality razor

2 The Self-Care Type

Entity explains genital pimples


I know what you’re thinking: How can self-care cause conditions like genital pimples? Well, sometimes the items you use to take care of your pubic area actually irritates your sensitive vaginal skin.

This is a type of dermatitis that occurs when harsh chemicals or fragrances come in contact with your vaginal skin. The culprits of this type of pimple include but are not limited to:

  • Soaps
  • Sweat or urine
  • Powders, sprays or lotions
  • Tampons or pads
  • Pregnancy prevention methods like condoms and spermicides
  • Laundry detergents, fabric softeners or dryer sheets

Culprits could be literally anything that comes in contact either directly or indirectly with your vagina.

The Verdict: You’re safe

This is another type that behavioral changes could fix. Your best bet would be to try and narrow down the items that come in contact with your vag by making a of products you use each day. Isolate certain products for an extended period of time and try to gauge when the pimples pop up their ugly heads.

3 The Period Type

Entity explains genital pimples


Periods not only cause women to spend tons of money a year on tampons, pads and ice-cream, but they can also cause pimples to form on the vagina around the time they begin.

Other than the carefully laid out period hacks that make periods a bit more bearable, there are similar ways to avoid spending any additional coins on these types of pimples and dealing with the period-related wear and tear.

The Verdict: You’re safe

Other than being super annoying, period pimples don’t cause anything bad to happen.

They should go away around the same time your period disappears. To prevent them from occurring, make sure you keep up your vaginal hygiene and avoid irritating your vagina with hair removal or scented sprays, wipes and/or powders.

4 The Bartholin and Skene’s Duct Cyst Type

Entity explains genital pimples


Bartholin Cysts general occur on the vaginal lips or around the vaginal opening, while Skene’s Duct Cysts occur around the opening of the urethra, the small hole between the clitoris and the vagina that releases your pee.

They usually occur due to fluid build-up in glands or not properly wiping after using the restroom.

The Verdict: Get treated

If the cysts don’t disappear after a few days, you should go see your doctor, OB/GYN or visit your local Planned Parenthood for assistance in treatment. If the cysts are very large, your healthcare provider will most likely drain them.

5 The Sex Types

Entity explains genital pimples


If you’re sexually active, pimple-like bumps could rise around or on your vagina. They could be Genital Warts or Genital Herpes. Genital Herpes form lesions around the vagina or anus, while Genital Warts are small bumps the color of your skin that are caused by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV).

The Verdict: Get treated

These types of pimples can only be treated in a doctor’s office. Therefore, you should go see your doctor, OB/GYN or visit your local Planned Parenthood for assistance in treatment.

And while we cover the common causes of genital pimples and ways they can be treated, there are many other types of genital pimples and treatments that aren’t listed above.

If none of the listed items are applicable to you and your genital pimples, visit Treat, Cure Fast for a more detailed analysis or visit a licensed professional.

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